Light-bellied brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Common Name : Light-bellied brent goose, Pale-bellied Brent goose.
Binomial Name : Branta bernicla hrota
Family : Anatidae
Photo Taken : Ireland

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

This particular Brent goose is known as Light-bellied Brent goose, Pale-bellied Brent goose, etc. This is a long distance migratory bird in Ireland during winter (October - April). It is native to high-arctic Canada. During the migration they stop at Iceland and Greenland. It is amazing to know that such a large bird flies that long distance! Binomial name of the bird is Branta bernicla hrota and belongs to the bird family Anatidae.

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) is a small sized goose with predominant color black and white. Back of the bird is light brown with black at the tip of the wings. Underside of the bird is white, pale-white in color. From neck (or breast) to top the bird is having dark black in color (including bill). Bird is having a white patch at both side of neck (under head).

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) is a gregarious bird (or at least during my observation I've seen them in a group). It is a coastal bird during the winter. These are vegetarian birds which mostly feed on the eelgrass along with sea weed, sea lettuce, etc. They breed during winter in Ireland and stay with the chicks until the migration. A female goose lays around 3-5 eggs.

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota
Light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) in flight.

Brent goose - Branta bernicla hrota
Light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) in flight.

Photos of Light-bellied brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) were taken from Ireland as follows:
1. March 2016: North bull island, Dublin.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog
