Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Common Name : Striated babbler.
Binomial Name : Turdoides earlei
Family : Leiothrichidae
Bengali Name : Dagi chhatare (দাগি ছাতারে পাখি).
Photo Taken : Bangladesh

Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Striated babbler is a shy (but gregarious) bird from the South Asia and Myanmar region. Binomial name of the bird is Turdoides earlei and it belongs to the bird family Leiothrichidae. In Bangladesh this bird is known as Dagi chhatare. The count of the bird is decreasing day by day due to their habit loss.

Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Striated babbler (Turdoides earlei) is a normal sized bird is having brownish color striated with black at top of head, back and tail. Bill of the bird is yellowish. This bird is having a long tail. Color of the eye of this babbler is yellow.

Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Striated babbler (Turdoides earlei) is a gregarious bird (found in a group of 7-10) mostly found around the reeds and other tall bushes near the wetlands, river, pond, etc. They mostly remain perched on branches or tall grasses and hardly comes to ground. They live on the insects and other invertebrates (i.e. snails).

Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Breeding season of Striated babbler is March to October. They prefer to make there nest in grasses which is slightly above the ground level. They make the nest from the grasses and straws. Female lays 3-4 four pale blue eggs. The group takes care of the chicks together.

Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Striated babbler - Turdoides earlei

Photos of Striated babbler (Turdoides earlei) were taken from the following locations of Bangladesh.
1. December 2014: Patuakhali.
2. January 2015: Munshiganj.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog
